General description
A two-year master in Quantum Science and Technology
The QUARMEN master (QUAntum Research Master Education Network) is specialized in Quantum Science and Technology. This programme aims at training students in key concepts and technologies for quantum devices and information.
Quantum science and technology in one of the fastest progressing fields of knowledge, and structuring research and development in this field is one of Europe’s priorities. In this context, QUARMEN attendees will be ready to develop innovative ideas and will have the opportunity of being directly involved in the activity of industrial and academic laboratories.
Students will attend short training programmes : a summer school on cutting edge topics of Quantum Science and Technology and a winter school on entrepreneurship.
The strong partnership with SMEs and research & innovation centres in Europe and North America allows the students to strengthen their professional skills and build their international network.
The medium of instruction is English.
The QUARMEN project was created in the frame of the European university alliance for Global Health - EUGLOH, also coordinated by Paris-Saclay University.