Mobility and degrees
The master includes a compulsory mobility. Students must study in at least 2 countries (different from their country of residence). They may create their own master’s programme by choosing among different options!

You will have to indicate in the application form your preferred mobility for the semester 2 and semester 3.
Please note that the number of places available at the University of Toronto for the semester 3 is limited (5 places available every year).
The final mobility choice for the semester 3 will be discussed during the first or second semester with the program’s coordinators in accordance with your academic results and career objectives.
Please note that the number of places available at the University of Toronto for the semester 3 is limited (5 places available every year).
The final mobility choice for the semester 3 will be discussed during the first or second semester with the program’s coordinators in accordance with your academic results and career objectives.
At the end of the two years, QUARMEN students will get a double or multiple diploma (Master’s in Physics) from the universities they studied at. For example, a student who studied the first semester at Sapienza University of Rome, the second semester at Paris-Saclay University and the third semester at the University of Toronto, will get the three master’s degrees from those universities.
1 academic semester = 1 diploma !